Schwartz responds on Hunter settlement and Human Rights Act
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GLAA statement: After five long years, victory in Tyra Hunter case 08/10/00

District settles Hunter lawsuit for $1.75 million 08/10/00

Statement by Margie Hunter on lawsuit settlement 08/10/00

GLAA to Corporation Counsel: Stop Undermining Human Rights Act 06/07/00

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Schwartz responds on Hunter settlement and Human Rights Act

[Note: GLAA's statement on the Hunter settlement was sent to all DC Councilmembers. Councilmember Carol Schwartz (R-At-Large) responded with the following comments.]

August 21, 2000

Dear Rick:

I received your electronic message of August 11, 2000 and I applaud the positive aspects of the settlement. I agree that continued vigilance is in order to assure that promises made are promises kept.

Your view that the city should not hold itself above the Human Rights Act is well spoken and well taken. I will question Mr. Rigsby about this issue.

Let me know if, and how, I may be of additional assistance.


Carol Schwartz
Councilmember, At-Large
