Kameny presents letter to CAGLCC

Letter of Appreciation to the Capital Area Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce

Presented by Frank Kameny

GLAA 40th Anniversary Reception
Washington Plaza Hotel
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

To: Mark Guenther, Executive Director
Capital Area Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce

Dear Mark,

I want to thank you and everyone in the Capital Area Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce for making me feel so welcome at your awards dinner on April 8. It was pleasant to be acknowledged by so many distinguished community members.

More than fifty years ago, when I decided to fight back after my own government fired me for being gay, I was defending the same birthright of equality that I had defended in front-line combat in World War II. GLAA took up the struggle in the aftermath of my campaign for D.C. Delegate to Congress in 1971. Forty years later, the enterprising members of CAGLCC continue the fight in another venue as they exercise their right to full equality in the pursuit of their happiness.

I am pleased that you and I share a birth date on May 21st. For me, every day feels like a birthday when I watch people enjoy freedoms that I had a hand in winning. Please convey to your members my warmest wishes for continued success in their pursuits.


Franklin E. Kameny