GLAA Talking points on Bill 17-109
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GLAA Talking points on Bill 17-109,

“One-Time Relocation of Licensees Displaced by the Ballpark
and Skyland Development Project Amendment Act of 2007”

Thursday, May 31, 2007

  1. The city displaced the clubs by seizing their land, and is responsible for creating a remedy.

  2. A recent ABC Board ruling nullified a January 2001 Council compromise allowing relocation of clubs.

  3. GLAA sought Mayor Williams’s help in 2006 with Zoning Commission, got nowhere.

  4. Some of the affected businesses have been shut down for more than a year; remedy is needed now.

  5. The licensees found minimally intrusive locations—next to Mt. Olivet Cemetery, railroad tracks, etc.

  6. Jim Graham was NOT involved in choosing locations for the licensees.

  7. Most of the available and affordable commercial-manufacturing-zoned places are in Ward 5.

  8. Opponents claim associated crime without evidence, and paint with a broad, prejudicial brush.

  9. These are legitimate businesses; there is no lack of laws and regulations for dealing with violators.

  10. People who don’t like adult entertainment don’t have to patronize these clubs.

  11. The 600-foot separation rule prevents clustering. More than that is excessive and unwarranted.

  12. Crying “Not in Ward 5” amounts to saying “Nowhere in town” given zoning and economic realities.

  13. Some Ward 5 residents, such as Ruthanne Buck, welcome these businesses moving to Ward 5.

  14. There has been community discussion and a public hearing on the Graham bill; nobody was silenced.

  15. If licensees are barred from the primary commercial-manufacturing area, the message is “drop dead.”

  16. Graham bill does not eliminate roles of ABC Board or BZA. It just gives displaced licensees a chance.

  17. Only those displaced licensees who were property owners will receive monies from any eminent domain settlement; the licensees who were their tenants will get nothing.