Summersgill presents award to Brother, Help Thyself

Distinguished Service Award to Brother, Help Thyself

Presented by GLAA Treasurer Bob Summersgill

GLAA 34th Anniversary Reception
Radisson Barcelo Hotel
Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Brother, Help Thyself (BHT) is the nation’s first united gay and lesbian fund for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and AIDS organizations. Since 1978 they have donated in excess of $1.9 million to non-profit organizations in the Washington and Baltimore areas.

BHT dispenses direct and matching grants, acts as a clearinghouse for donated goods and services, and serves as an information resource to the community. BHT is an all-volunteer organization, allowing them to operate with very little overhead and maximizing the benefits to the community.

BHT was formed by Leather/Levi Motorcycle Clubs to help prevent the closing of the Washington, DC Gay Men’s VD Clinic due to the lack of funds. The Clinic survived and grew into what has become one of the nation’s largest lesbian and gay health providers - the Whitman-Walker Clinic.

BHT has continued to provide the lifeline that small groups have critically needed to keep operating. More than 125 organizations have been able to keep operating over the past 27 years because of these grants. GLAA has not received funding, and as a political group, does not qualify for BHT grants.

But BHT runs its own critical needs programs where they see gaps in services. In 1996, the BHT Education committee established the "Raincoat Coalition". Renamed "Respect/Protect", this special program was created to distribute condoms and lube, free of charge, to patrons of local businesses. Part of a larger education program, it is meant to help fill the gap in health education created by a lack of public resources. Despite the HIV/AIDS Administration’s $80 million per year budget, BHT does it better for almost nothing.

Recently, BHT stepped up to the plate and provided critical fundraising and fund management to handle the memorial service and interment of long-time community leader, Jerrie Linder who died without heirs or the legal and financial arrangements needed to handle her remains and estate.

BHT does all of this and more with little fanfare or publicity. Yet their fundraising and services have been essential for countless people. So it is my great pleasure to present GLAA’s Distinguished Service Award to Brother, Help Thyself.