GLAA joins groups calling for deletion of unnecessary proposed Alcohol regs
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GLAA joins groups calling for deletion of unnecessary proposed Alcohol regs

January 25, 2003

Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration Board
941 North Capitol Street, NE, 7th Floor
Washington, DC 20002

Dear Members of the Board:

We are groups, organizations and businesses who write to express our great concern—indeed, outrage—at the proposal to adopt Regulation 905, which would unjustly and needlessly prohibit a broad range of social conduct on licensed premises. We oppose this Regulation—as does the City Council—because it is wholly inconsistent with modern mores and standards of behavior, because it is unnecessary to include this regulation when other laws already address such conduct, because it would unjustly harm some businesses, because it is so broad and vague that it could be read to prohibit myriad common forms of conduct, and because it would in fact be counterproductive, in that it would eliminate important opportunities for much-needed sex education.

In opposition to this wrong-headed proposal, we want to make succinctly the following points:

For all of these reasons, we urge in the strongest possible terms that the Board delete proposed Regulation 905. DC City Council members have already taken the position that the Regulation should be dropped in its entirety. Our representatives would be happy to meet with you to discuss this matter in more depth.

Respectfully submitted,

Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance of Washington, DC
Kevin Davis, President

SigMa (of Washington, DC)
Jim Plante, President

The Woodhull Freedom Foundation
Melinda Chateauvert

District of Columbia Sexual Minority Advocates
Jonathan Krall, Spokesperson

National Coalition for Sexual Freedom
Susan Wright, Spokesperson

Black Rose (of Washington, DC)
Greg L., Chairman