Puritans attack nude dancing establishments

Puritans attack nude dancing establishments

GLAA ALERT: Thursday, October 19, 2000

In the October 20, 2000 issue of Washington City Paper, the Loose Lips column reports on a massive revision of the District's liquor laws being introduced by Councilmember Sharon Ambrose, who chairs the Council Committee on Consumer and Regulatory Affairs. The Loose Lips column includes the following:

Down the road, still more peripheral issues look likely to incite legislative skirmishes over the 87-page bill. Like the repeal of a 1994 moratorium on nude-dancing establishments. Terry Lynch, a lobbyist with the Downtown Cluster of Congregations, opposes the pro-nudity clause and insists that it contradicts Ambrose's pro-neighborhood ideology. "This doesn't sound like her at all," says Lynch.

Ambrose added the nude-dancing provision in deference to the city's gay lobby, which doesn't share the prejudices of local churches. "These petty moral fascists should not be allowed to impede [private enterprise]," explains Frank Kameny, chief proponent of the moratorium's repeal.

GLAA is currently preparing a letter to Councilmembers in response to the attack by Lynch and downtown business owners on the right of consumers to choose their own entertainment free of moralistic intrusions by the government. We will post that letter when it is ready. In the meantime, see the following links for GLAA's past advocacy on this and related issues.

Kameny defends nude dancing establishments 06/01/99

Nude Dancing: where D.C. officials stand 02/26/99

Gays join fray in video store flap 02/06/98

GLAA Ad Campaign Decries Harassment of Gay Businesses 04/21/97

GLAA defends gay consumers and businesses